Sandia Starforgers Writers Retreat and Workshop - Spring 2024

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2024 Event Enrollment Deadline: March 15, 2024, 11:59pm MDT

As a writer of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or speculative fiction...
you are a creator of worlds.

But that comes with its own set of IRL challenges!

As you prepare your story (by which we mean your short story, novella, or novel) for readers, you know you'd benefit from support, accountability, and connection with other writers.

You may be getting stuck in any of the following places:

  • You worry that the first pages of your story aren't strong enough to capture an agent, publisher, or reader's attention.
  • Even if you've published before, you aren't sure what's the right publication path for this story: querying agents, approaching a small traditional press, or choosing self-publication.
  • You keep going over your story's flaws, but you've been staring at it too long. You could use an outside, experienced perspective.
  • Pitching and summarizing your story feels intimidating, and you'd love some concrete pointers... and maybe even a chance to practice in a safe environment.
  • Writing can feel solitary, and you would love some accountability and friendship from those who truly get it.

Enter: Sandia Starforgers

Writers Retreat and Workshop

Critique, Classes, Camaraderie

Friday, April 12 through Monday, April 15, 2024
Albuquerque, NM

Enrollment Closes March 15 at 11:59pm MDT

Tickets range from $1,600-$2,500, with payment plans available.

Scholarship available. (Application period ended.)

Learn About Upcoming Events

In three and a half days: gain the knowledge and confidence to get your next science fiction, fantasy, horror, or other speculative fiction piece closer to publication. Through classes, 5,000-word critiques, and a pitching session, you'll polish up your work and feel ready for the next step—whether you are focusing on traditional or self publishing.

Sandia = the beautiful 10,600 ft mountain who presides over Albuquerque.
Starforger = you, a wonderful speculative fiction writer.

Our instructors and critiquers include:

  • Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Award winning author, Mary Robinette Kowal (attending in-person)
  • Literary agent at Howard Morhaim Literary Agency, DongWon Song (attending virtually)
  • NM-AZ Book Awards winning author and creator of Artemesia Publishing, Geoff Habiger (attending in-person)
  • NM-AZ Book Awards winning author and Book Pipeline finalist, Marie Parks (attending in-person)
  • NM-AZ Book Awards finalist and Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards honorable mention, Neal Holtschulte (attending in-person)

You will have a chance to practice your pitch with:

  • Diana M. Pho, Erewhon Books (attending virtually)
  • Geoff Habiger, Artemesia Publishing (attending in-person)
  • Benjamin Gorman, Not a Pipe Publishing (attending virtually)

When you register, you can expect:

  • Small-group critique session with one of our experienced critiquers, in which you may submit up to 5,000 words. Most writers will submit the first 5,000 words of their manuscript, but you may also submit a section that is stumping you. You will also offer critique to the other members of your small group. Critique will focus on big-picture suggestions regarding characterization, tone, clarity, pacing, etc. (not line edits). Please note: Your top choice of critiquer is not guaranteed.
  • Instructional classes on topics like revision, publishing paths, and pitching/querying skills.
  • Re-critique session with your small critique group after you've had a chance to make revisions, so you can gauge your progress. Alternatively, you may submit your query letter or pitch to your small group for this second critique session.
  • Pitch opportunity with publishers, in which you can spend five minutes practicing your pitch in a safe environment.
  • Intimate group of no more than 30 writers, so you can get individualized interactions with the on-site instructors and have a chance to meet everyone in attendance.
  • Admission to a public bookstore reading and signing event with Mary Robinette Kowal on Saturday, April 13 (this event will be open to the public at Books on the Bosque, so feel free to invite your friends and family to this portion). This will be an opportunity to learn how an experienced speaker like Mary Robinette selects a passage and interacts with the attendees. Transportation to and from the bookstore is included.
  • Opportunity to write and revise in a supportive, peaceful setting. The event location has a number of quiet nooks where you can find space to focus.
  • Chances to network with your fellow writers. This is actually the most valuable benefit of the event. Community is everything when it comes to advancing your writing career.
  • Delicious meals that reflect the flavors of New Mexico's high desert. Your enrollment includes all meals + snacks.

Learn About Upcoming Events

2024 is our inaugural Sandia Starforgers Writers Workshop and Retreat. When you enroll, you help make future events possible.

Sandia Starforgers is for you if...

  • You're a sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or other speculative fiction writer at any point in your career. We are open to writers for any age group, but please note that the experience of our instructors is mostly in adult speculative fiction.
  • You are willing to gracefully give and receive thoughtful critique with a spirit of learning, kindness, and curiosity.
  • You want to learn more about writing, so you can advance your career and become a more engaging storyteller.
  • You are interested in publishing your writing (including Big 5, small independent press, short story magazine/anthology, and/or self publishing).
  • You crave genuine community and connection with other writers.
  • You believe writing doesn't have to be competitive, but instead we can all support one another in this field.
  • You desire for writing to be more inclusive, and you celebrate diverse voices sharing their stories.

Is it really for everyone, regardless of how far along you are in your writing career? Yes, because we all can become more effective storytellers and pitchers. If you are already published, who's to say your next book should be published through the same avenue? Is that the best path for the book or its audience? Or for you? If you aren't yet published, the industry is changing a lot, and you may be wondering how you could fit in. We hope to give you insight into these questions during this event.

Instructors and Guests

Mary Robinette Kowal

Mary Robinette Kowal (she/her) is our featured instructor and critiquer for this event and will be attending in-person.

Mary Robinette is the author of The Spare Man, The Glamourist Histories series, Ghost Talkers, and the Lady Astronaut Universe. She is part of the award-winning podcast Writing Excuses and has received the Astounding Award for Best New Writer, four Hugo awards, the Nebula and Locus awards. Her stories appear in Asimov’sUncanny, and several Year’s Best anthologies. Mary Robinette, a professional puppeteer, also performs as a voice actor (SAG/AFTRA), recording fiction for authors including Seanan McGuire, Cory Doctorow, and John Scalzi. She lives in Nashville with her husband Rob and over a dozen manual typewriters. "Mary Robinette" is a compound name, like "Mary Anne."

DongWon Song (they/them) is an instructor for this event and will be attending virtually.

DongWon is an agent at Howard Morhaim Literary Agency representing science fiction and fantasy for adults, young adult, and middle grade readers as well as select non-fiction. They were formerly an editor at Orbit, a product manager for an ebook startup, and has taught at institutions including Portland State University and New York University. They have a newsletter about the business at DongWon is Korean-American, trans, and nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns.

Diana M. Pho (she/her) is a pitch guest and will be attending virtually.

Diana is a Hugo Award-winning editor with over 15 years of experience across various areas of the publishing industry, most notably the Science Fiction Book Club and the Tor Publishing Group. Before becoming the executive editor at Erewhon Books, Diana served as Lead Creative Executive for Co-Productions & Partnerships at the podcast studio Realm Media. She has had the pleasure of working with household names like George R. R. Martin and the Robert Jordan estate for The Wheel of Time, as well as critically acclaimed writers such as Bethany C. Morrow, Lara Elena Donnelly, K. A. Doore, and Margaret Killjoy, among others. Books she has edited have won the Thriller Award (A.J. Hartley’s Steeplejack, for Best Young Adult), the Ditmar Award (Thoraiya Dyer’s Crossroads of Canopy, for Best Novel), the American Library Association’s Alex Award (P. Djeli Clark’s The Black God’s Drums), the Nebula Award (P. Djeli Clark’s Ring Shout & A Master of Djinn) and a Kirkus Best Book of the Year Selection (Marie Miranda Cruz’s Everlasting Nora, for Middle Grade).

Diana herself is also a two-time finalist for the Ignyte Award and a finalist for the Locus Award for her editorial work. She has a double Bachelor’s degree in English and Russian Literature from Mount Holyoke College and a Master’s in Performance Studies from New York University. More than anything else, she appreciates a good cup of tea.

Geoff Habiger

Geoff Habiger (he/him) is an instructor and pitch guest for this event and will be attending in-person.

Geoff is an author and the creator of Artemesia Publishing. Geoff grew up in Manhattan...Kansas, not New York. (That's the Little Apple, not the Big Apple, for those of you playing along at home.) His co-author (Coy Kissee) co-created the company Tangent Games in 2004, through which they've published card games and supplements, adventures, and rule books for role-playing games. Geoff is a senior partner in the publishing company, Artemesia Publishing, and co-author of fantasy series, including the Constable Inspector Lunaria Adventures and the Saul Imbierowicz Trilogy. He lives in New Mexico with his wife, son, and two cats.

Benjamin Gorman (he/him) is a pitch guest and will be attending virtually.

Benjamin is an award-winning high school English teacher, political activist, author, poet, and publisher at Not a Pipe Publishing, the small-but-growing press he started in 2013. He lives in Independence, Oregon with his fiancée, bibliophile and guillotine aficionado Chrystal, his favorite son, Noah, and his dog, E.V. (External Validation). His novels are The Sum of Our Gods, Corporate High School, The Digital Storm, and The Convention of Fiends series beginning with Don’t Read This Book and continuing in You Were Warned. He’s also the author of two books of poetry: When She Leaves Me and This Uneven Universe. He believes in his students and the future they'll create if given the chance. 

Marie Parks

Marie Parks (she/her) is an instructor and critiquer for this event and will be attending in-person.

Marie is an LGBTQIA+ fantasy author exploring themes like social justice, the environment, and found families. Her debut novel, Unrelenting, was co-written with Jessi Honard and published by Not a Pipe Publishing in 2022. It won the 2022 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards LGBTQ title, and was a finalist in two other categories. In addition, it was a finalist in the 2020 Book Pipeline Unpublished Contest in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy category. Marie was also a finalist for the 2021 Futurescapes Award for Most Promising New Author for her unpublished manuscript, Flightless. Marie lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she loves to camp, hike, play board games, and eat green chile.

Neal Holtschulte (he/him) is an instructor and critiquer for this event and will be attending in-person.

He is a computer science instructor and distance runner. His short fiction has appeared in Amazing Stories magazine, Ghostlight: The Magazine of Terror, and THEMA Literary Journal. He lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and their dog Ashaya. Crew of Exiles is Neal’s debut novel.

Tentative Schedule

This schedule is subject to change, but we will make all efforts to provide equivalent alternatives, if at all possible.

  • Friday, April 12, 2024
    • Arrival and check-in
    • Orientation
    • Dinner
    • Class 1
  • Saturday, April 13, 2024
    • Breakfast
    • Critique session 1
    • Lunch
    • Class 2
    • Reading and signing event for Mary Robinette Kowal at a local independent bookstore
    • Dinner
  • Sunday, April 14, 2024
    • Breakfast
    • Class 3
    • Lunch
    • Critique session 2
    • Dinner
  • Monday, April 15, 2024
    • Breakfast
    • Class 4
    • Lunch
    • Pitch sessions
    • Dinner
    • Celebration and Farewell
  • Tuesday, April 16, 2024
    • Those with on-site accommodations will have breakfast available before departing

Venue Information

The event will take place at a historic farm 20 minutes from the ABQ Airport. We will be only 1 mile from the Rio Grande. The farm has been in the owner's family for over a century, and it boasts a beautiful 200-year-old cottonwood tree.

The property includes bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and communal areas, as well as a number of outdoor areas.

Further amenities include hot tub, climate control, gardens and patios, smart TVs, high-speed wifi, on-site parking, washer/dryer, hair dryer, clothes iron, and a basketball half court.

No smoking or vaping is permitted anywhere on the property, inside or outside. No firearms, knives, or other weapons are permitted anywhere on the property, inside or outside.

The venue and the City of Albuquerque are located on the homelands of the Tiwa Pueblo people, who continue to live and work here. Their lands, culture, communities, and heritage deserve our respect. We are grateful for the opportunity to learn and gather on this land. Sandia Starforgers will make a donation to the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center upon the conclusion of the event to support their mission. You can learn more about IPCC and make your own donation here.

Images of venue (description below)

Images Description: One of the large gathering spaces on the property, exterior of the building, one of the outdoor patios, one of the small group gathering spaces, one of the single occupancy rooms, one of the double occupancy rooms, one of the bathrooms, full kitchen, basketball half court for recreation.

Ticket and Pricing Information

The enrollment deadline for the 2024 event has passed.

Several price points and payment plans are available.

ON-SITE TICKET OPTIONS: For attendees who purchase a ticket that allows them to sleep on-site at the event, your included lodging will include the evening of Friday, April 12 through the morning of Tuesday, April 16. Your ticket includes all of the "you can expect" bullet points above.

Note: On-Site Tickets are now SOLD OUT.

The property has limited queen/king size beds and a larger number of double beds; if you want to share a bed with your roommate, you will need to specify this ASAP after you enroll through our information form. 

Please note that ALL rooms will require you to share a bathroom with other attendees. Also, per our venue's policies, no smoking, vaping, firearms, knives, or other weapons are allowed anywhere at the event property, inside or outside.

You will be responsible for getting to the event venue on the afternoon/evening of April 12 and arranging your own departure from the venue on the morning of April 16.

  • SOLD OUT: Attendance with On-Site Single Occupancy: $2,500 or 3 monthly payments of $875. You will stay on-site in a single occupancy room (without a roommate). You will share a bathroom with others.
  • SOLD OUT: Attendance with On-Site Double Occupancy: $2,200 or 3 monthly payments of $770. You will stay on-site in a double occupancy room (bring a roommate, or we can assign you one). You will share a bathroom with others.

OFF-SITE TICKET OPTION: Alternatively, attendees may purchase a ticket that allows them to attend the event in-person, but not sleep on-site. This option is ideal for writers who live locally, want to stay with a friend, or wish to make their own lodging arrangement. Your ticket includes all of the "you can expect" bullet points above. It does not include breakfast on Tuesday morning. You will not be able to stay at the event site during quiet hours (late evenings/early mornings).

  • Deadline Passed: Event Attendance without Lodging: $1,600 or 3 monthly payments of $560. Lodging is not included; you will make your own lodging arrangement. You may still enjoy the other full in-person benefits of the event's programming and activities, including meals as described in the paragraph above.

These prices have been set so that we can:

  • Provide 10 meals + daily snacks for you that have been sourced from local restaurants and growers as much as possible.
  • Rent a peaceful venue that provides the accessibility, space, quiet, and inspiration for a successful event.
  • Transport you to and from Books on the Bosque for the signing event.
  • Pay all instructors, critiquers, pitch guests, and staff for their time, because everyone deserves a living wage.
  • Bring supplies and materials needed to make our experience productive and comfortable.

Learn About Upcoming Events

Scholarship Information

The scholarship application period is now closed. If you'd like to be considered for a future event scholarship, please email to be added to the notification list.

We are offering one scholarship to a New Mexico writer with financial need; this will be a scholarship for an Event Attendance with Off-Site Lodging ticket for the April 12-15, 2024 session. 

The scholarship recipient will be granted admission to the event at no cost, but they will need to cover the cost of their transportation to and from the event, as well as their own lodging.

To apply, you must:

  • Currently live in New Mexico, be 21+ years old as of April 12, 2024, and have financial need.
  • Submit your application via THIS LINK no later than November 30, 2023 at 11:59pm Mountain. Submissions are timestamped, and late submissions cannot be accepted. The application will ask you to:
    • Upload your valid New Mexico state-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license.
    • Submit a science-fiction, fantasy, horror, or other speculative fiction writing sample of your own writing, not to exceed 1,500 words.
    • Submit a short essay up to 750 words describing why this event would benefit you and what you can bring to the community.
    • Combine the writing sample and essay into one document (double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman, as a Word Document or PDF; include your name and the page number in the margin). We are assessing your application based on your writing skill and your financial need.
    • Submit a letter of recommendation from someone who can speak to how much you deserve this scholarship. The letter cannot be from a family member or partner. You may wish to ask a writing group member, your boss, a colleague, your friend, etc.

You may apply for the scholarship no matter what stage of your writing career you are in, whether you are published or not. Your submission will be reviewed by an independent third party.

Only one application may be submitted per person.

We reserve the right to share the scholarship winner's name publicly.

The scholarship winner will be notified no later than January 21, 2024 and must verify their acceptance no later than January 26, 2024. If we do not hear back from the winner by January 26, 2024 at 11:59pm Mountain, their scholarship will be void; this is because final payment to our vendors is due shortly after this time, so we need to have a final head count.

The scholarship cannot be transferred to another person or used for another Sandia Starforgers session. Your application is for an off-site ticket of the April 12-15, 2024 event.

Refund Policy

You may request a full refund (less payment processor fees of 3%) through November 30, 2023.

You may request a 50% refund (less payment processor fees of 3%) through December 31, 2023.

You may request a 25% refund (less payment processor fee of 3%) through January 31, 2024.

No refunds may be issued starting February 1, 2024, as final payment for our vendors is due at this time. If you cannot attend, you may coordinate with a friend to take your spot, subject to written approval by the event organizer and you roommate (if applicable).

Additional Policies and Disclaimers

Our attendance policy and rules:

  • All attendees must be 21+ years old as of April 12, 2024.
  • No smoking or vaping is allowed anywhere on the property.
  • No firearms, knives, or other weapons are allowed anywhere on the property.
  • Only registered ticket holders may attend the event. No unregistered family members or friends are allowed at the event, except for the public bookstore reading event at Books on the Bosque.
  • It is not permitted to record any classes or share any handouts/materials you receive through or at the event. We will be recording some aspects of the event for your personal use only.
  • Film/photo release: You understand that film (audio and visual) recording and photos will be taken at the event, for attendees' personal use, as well as used in marketing materials for future events. When you enroll, you give Sandia Starforgers photo, video, and audio release to use photos, videos, and audio recordings that may include you, your voice, and your likeness in future marketing materials.

Covid-19 and illness policy:

  • All attendees must be fully vaccinated per the CDC's definition [].
  • We will require all attendees to sign an affidavit upon check-in confirming they have taken a Covid-19 test on April 11 or 12 and received a negative result. (Rapid self-test is sufficient.)
  • We are mask-positive in our communications, but we are not requiring masks at the event. Please respect everyone's personal choice regarding masking.
  • We will not have medical experts or supplies on hand. If you are ill during the event, we suggest you seek the care of a medical professional.
  • Unfortunately, no refunds may be given as a result of illness, injury, or any other reason, February 1, 2024 or later.
  • If you are ill with a contagious illness, you will be sent home or quarantined (if possible), and will be unable to participate in any further event activities. Recordings of some classes may be made available to you.
  • You commit to washing your hands regularly and thoroughly during the event.
  • You understand that attending this event has inherent risks, and you accept the risk that you might get sick as a result of attending.

Accessibility information:

  • The event will take place in a building with no steps other than door thresholds/curbs.
  • Walk-in showers (not fully curbless, but with a low curb) can be available upon advanced request, for individuals staying the night at the property.
  • AI-generated captions for live classes can be provided upon advanced request.
  • Speakers during classes will be outfitted with personal amplification devices to make it easier for everyone to hear.
  • We will make every effort to accommodate your dietary needs and allergies. Please provide advanced notice.
  • You will be invited to share your accessibility/dietary requests and requirements upon registration via a form, so we can make every effort to accommodate your needs.
  • Albuquerque is situated "at elevation," located at 5,400 feet above sea level. This can cause elevation sickness and adverse reactions in some people.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion information:

We actively seek to ensure every attendee, instructor, staff member, and vendor—regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, ability, education level, body type, or any other factor—feels valued, respected, and heard.

We acknowledge that systematic disenfranchisement, oppression, and discrimination of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities occur, and we must always be vigilant to not perpetuate any of these. Further, it is everyone's responsibility to contribute to actively dismantling them. We are unafraid to be held accountable and promise to correct any missteps with tangible action. We commit to supporting vendors and businesses owned by marginalized communities whenever possible and/or that strive to create equality.

Also, we are offering one scholarship for this event for a New Mexico writer with financial need (application deadline November 30; see Scholarship section above for details).

Anti-harassment policy:

Our goal is to offer a peaceful, respectful workshop experience for everyone who attends, regardless of gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation, ability, education level, body type, or any other factor. We have a policy of zero tolerance for harassment of any attendee (including writers, instructors, staff, vendors, or guests) of any form. All attendees are subject to this policy. If any attendee violates this policy, conference organizers may take any action deemed necessary at their sole discretion including, and up to, expulsion from the event without refund and refusal to re-admit the offender to any future events.

For the purposes of this policy, harassment is defined as offensive verbal comments related to another person in attendance, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of events, sexual images in public spaces, inappropriate and/or nonconsensual physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact any member of event staff immediately. We will take all necessary steps in order to help attendees feel safe.


We cannot be held responsible for your outcomes from this event, and we make no guarantees that you will receive an offer of publication or agent representation, have a particular level of success with your writing, be matched with your preferred critiquer, or any other outcome, now or in the future.

The individuals sitting for pitch sessions make no guarantees that they are open to signing new authors or stories; they are giving their time so that you can gain confidence pitching your writing in a safer, more comfortable environment.

This event offers an opportunity to receive small-group critique on your work, network with other writers, attend classes, and practice pitching your story. How you use the time is your choice, and your participation in any or all of the events is not mandatory; you may choose to spend the event writing quietly in your room, if desired.


Please email with any questions. Thank you so much for your interest!

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Fill out the registrant information form ASAP, so we can pair you with a roommate (if needed), and accommodate all of your needs.

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